0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com

Silabus dalam bahasa Indonesia –> Best Practice Of Workload Analysis


Along with the rapid development of the business world and the high level of competition, requires the company to pursue operational activities that are productive, effective and efficient. Operational activities that are based on these three things, it can be seen whether the use of resources owned has reached the optimal point and can achieve the target companies desired by the company. One of the steps in optimizing the use of company resources is through the application of workload analysis, where the work activities and time required by employees to complete the tasks assigned to them are arranged so that employees have the same burden of carrying out the work. This training will provide an understanding of the standard working time, workload and calculation of the number of employees required.



After this training, participants are expected to:

  1. Analyze the existing workforce capability in this time
  2. Perform the planning needs of workers at a certain period.
  3. Recommend to the company make adjustments in labor policy
  4. Motivate coworkers to have a mindset of success in work.


Course Content

  1. Definitions, concepts, and benefits of Workload Analysis
  2. HR management and HR Governance Demands
  3. HR Strategic
  4. Integrating Human Capital to Organizational Strategy
  5. Efficient VS Effective
  6. Process Base
  7. Process Assessment Base Activity
  8. Effective Working
  9. Benefit from Improvement
  10. Under load and Overload
  11. Recruitment
  12. Workforce Planning


Training Methods

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study



This training is intended for Human Resources Manager, Head of Human Resources, corporate leaders, etc.



    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
    • Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
    • Ibis Style Kuta Circle Hotel Bali
    • In House Training*


The Facility and investment

    • The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Souvenir
    • Investment of Rp. 6000.000,- (Six million rupiah) per participants



  • Using the Zoom Application
  • The facility: Hard & Soft Copy File, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Certificate, Souvenir
  • Investment of Rp. 4.000.000,- (four million rupiah) per participants


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