0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com

Silabus dalam bahasa Indonesia –> Advanced Supervisory Skills


Advanced Supervisory Skills training is designed to improve employee leadership and supervisory abilities, especially in the public and corporate sectors. In a dynamic and ever-changing world of work, effective supervisory skills are very important to ensure teams can work optimally and productively. This training not only covers leadership theory, but also practical strategies that can be directly applied in everyday situations. Participants will learn modern approaches to managing teams, providing constructive feedback, and creating a positive and collaborative work environment.

With a focus on developing interpersonal skills, conflict management, and decision making, participants will be equipped with the tools necessary to improve their team’s performance. This training provides insight into how to build strong relationships with team members, motivate individuals, and overcome challenges that may arise in the supervision process. By implementing an employee development-based approach, participants can contribute to achieving organizational goals and improving an inclusive and productive work culture.



  1. Improve participants’ managerial and leadership skills in supervisory and team contexts.
  2. Demonstrate effective communication skills to provide feedback and build positive relationships.
  3. Prepare participants to handle and resolve conflicts in a timely manner.
  4. Facilitate participants in designing and implementing strategies to increase motivation and engagement time.


Course Content

  1. Basic Concepts of Supervision
    • Definition and function of supervision in the organization
    • Roles and responsibilities of a supervisor
  1. Effective Leadership Skills
    • Leadership style and interpersonal skills
    • Inspire and motivate the team
  1. Effective Communication in Supervision
    • Clear and direct communication techniques
    • Provide constructive feedback
  1. Conflict Management
    • Identify the causes of conflict in the team
    • Conflict resolution and negotiation strategies
  1. Decision Making and Problem Solving
    • Collaborative methods for decision making
    • Problem solving techniques in a team context
  1. Team Development and Performance Evaluation
    • Identify the team’s strengths and weaknesses
    • Use feedback to improve team performance
  1. Building a Positive Work Culture
    • Strategies for creating an inclusive work environment
    • Establish strong relationships between team members
  1. Obstacles and Solutions that commonly occur in implementation
  2. Case studies and discussions



  • Participants will gain strong leadership skills to lead and manage teams effectively.
  • Improve participants’ communication skills in providing productive feedback and supporting employee development.
  • Gain practical strategies for handling conflict and improving collaborative solutions in teams.
  • Participants will be able to create a positive work culture, increase motivation and involvement of team members within the organization.



  • Government employees who want to improve their managerial skills.
  • Supervisors and managers in companies looking for further skills development.
  • Prospective leaders who want to hone their leadership and supervision skills.
  • HR staff who are responsible for training and developing employees in the organization.



Presentation, Discussion, Practices, Case Studies



    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
    • Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
    • Harris Seminyak Hotel Bali
    • In House Training
    • E-Learning*


The Facility and investment

    • The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Souvenir


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